Me and my new GH3

As I said in my Elusive Wildflowers Part 9 post, I have a new camera. It's a Lumix (Panasonic) GH3. Yeah, I know they're hemorrhaging money these days, but the Lumix was the only one that would do what I want the way I want it. It's my first mirrorless camera and also my first non-Olympus.... Continue Reading →

Photography Field Tips #1

One of the earliest lessons I learned in photography was to cultivate good field habits.  That is to establish habits and routines that not only help you stay organized, but keep you from going crazy if you have a lot of gear.  Accessories are the kiss of death sometimes and unless you have a way... Continue Reading →

Aliens Stole My Gear!

Well not really, but on a photography board someone asked if aliens stole your gear (all of it) and somehow digital photography was rendered out of existence or banned or whatever (no cell phone cameras either), would you shoot film or would you give up photography?  If you decided to shoot film, would you go... Continue Reading →

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